Enhance your security with our identity verification platform

Real-time Face and Document verification
with results in 10-18 seconds

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Our Solution reduce 70% of authentication cost

Automated systems perform identity and document checks faster and more efficiently than manual methods

Improve identity

Verification and authentication

Protect business

Reduce fraud and identity theft

Enhance customer

Experience and retention

Manage costs

Become more competitive


Automated Verifying Users from any device

Smooth onboarding and compliance have finally come together

Real-time Document forgery detection

Face Verification within seconds

Video replay spoofing attacks detection and Deepfake detection


Know your business, whether they are suppliers, creditors, or partners, in seconds.

Streamline your verification flow and welcome more companies to your business at record speeds

Real-time Document forgery detection

Face Verification within seconds

Video replay spoofing attacks detection and Deepfake detection

Protected from advanced attacks

3D Maskand Print

Deceives individuals or system by using printed or mask replica of a person’s face

Image Injection

In this attack, the spoofer inserts fraudulent images of an individual before these are sent to the server.

Video Replay

This attack is when an individual tries to deceive the liveness detection system by presenting a video and acting if the video is a live individual


It is the use of deepfake technology to create videos that falsely depict someone else by using AI tools or techniques.

Verify documents
from 195 countries

End-user Happiness upto 97.4%
First-go pass rate 98.6%

Fintech and Banking

Crypto and Trading




Real Estate



Easy integration

Tailor all our services with your business's requirements


Seamlessly integrate our API and SDKs into your current business infrastructure, eliminating any cumbersome setup process.


SDK includes a pre-built widget that can be effortlessly incorporated into your product. The Mobile SDK offering integration with iOS, Android, and native plugins.

NIST FRVT tested 1:1 and 1:n face matching

AmigoiD supported GDPR compliance

Presentation Attack Detection Conformance

AmigoiD have obtained both iBeta Level 1 and Level 2